QuestionsCategory: QuestionsError Message
Eric Patton asked 5 years ago

Hello, thanks for the excellent videos. I just wanted to know what would cause this error in Roku developers feed:

"Unable to download from feedUrl.: Exception Response code other than 200 from for 286545.pending.en: 406 Not Acceptable for 286545.pending.en"


1 Answers
Rob Staff answered 5 years ago

Hi Eric,

This means that your hosting company is blocking access to your Direct Publisher feed. You can find out more about that here:

Short answer is you can ask your host to help you diagnose why this is happening, but in our experience most of the budget hosting companies (Hostgator, BlueHost, etc) won’t be of much help. Your best bet to fix it is to use a host that is verified to work with our system.
